Tuesday 14 December 2010

Emma Hart's Participation

  • 'Actors, Locations, Props' powerpoint
  • The Script - 'For the First Time' textual analysis
  • Contributed to the 3 semiotic analysis'
  • Assisted in the filming and editing phases of the main product creation
  • Starred in the main product music video
  • Creation of the image bank
  • Evaluation - "What have you learnt from your audience feedback?"

Mica Joseph's Participation

  • 'Actors, Locations, Props' powerpoint
  • Snow Patrol - 'Chasing Cars' textual analysis
  • Contributed to the 3 semiotic analysis'
  • 'CD cover inspiration' powerpoint
  • 'Audience theories' presentation
  • Assisted in the filming and editing phases of the main product creation
  • Creation of the image bank
  • Evaluation - "How effective was the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?"

Josh Timms' Participation

  • 'Actors, Locations, Props' powerpoint
  • Music video pitch presentation
  • Eminem - 'Stan' textual analysis
  • Contributed to the 3 semiotic analysis'
  • Created target audience questionnaire
  • Assisted in the filming and editing phases of the main product creation
  • Starred in the main product music video
  • Evaluation - "How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?"

Charlotte Thistle's Participation

  • Added work to, edited, and maintained the blog throughout the project
  • 'Actors, Locations and Props' powerpoint
  • Music video pitch speech
  • Analysed the target audience questionnaire results and created graphs
  • Created the storyboard and shot list
  • James Morrison - 'Please Don't Stop the Rain' textual analysis
  • Contributed to the 3 semiotic analysis'
  • Ancillary Text 1 creation
  • Ancillary Text 2 creation
  • Assisted in the filming and editing phases of the main product creation
  • Evaluation - "In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"

Monday 13 December 2010

Email to EMI

Before beginning to plan our music video to The Scientist by Coldplay, we first had to request permission for the use of this song; this permission was required from EMI record label, as they own the rights for Coldplay.  Below is a copy of the email which we sent:

“Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Using Coldplay – The Scientist for our A2 Media coursework music video

Charlotte Thistle, Joshua Timms, Mica Joseph and Emma Hart (4 Media student from Burnham Grammar School, Buckinghamshire) are required to produce a music video to a song of our choice.  We decided that ‘The Scientist’ would be the perfect song choice for the storyline ideas that we had, as a group.  After research, we understand that EMI own the rights to Coldplay’s songs, and therefore we are writing to you to request permission to use this song for the creation of our music video.  The final music video production will be posted on our blog, along with Vimeo, and will be viewed by many people.  There will be no copyright infringements, and no breeches of laws.  There will also be no foul language or acts that are inappropriate displayed within this music video.

If there is any reason why it is not possible for us to use ‘The Scientist’ by Coldplay as a song for our music video, please reply to charlottethistle@btinternet.com, and we will find another song to use.  Upon not receiving a reply, this song will be used.  Thank you very much for your co-operation in this matter.  It is appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
CJME Productions”

18:07    21st September 2010