Sunday 26 September 2010

Music Video Pitch Speech

Charlotte:  We are producing a music video to ‘The Scientist’ by Coldplay.  We chose this song because we are aware of the codes and conventions that are needed to portray the message that Coldplay are trying to put across.  We looked up the meaning of the song – the main character was a scientist and he never paid his girlfriend enough attention, then she died and he reflects on how he regrets not seeing her when they were together because it’s too late now.  We will use this element of reflection within our music video by filming the main character looking into a mirror; the connotation will be him literally seeing his reflection and the denotation will be him reflecting on his regrets.

Josh:  Within our music video we will have two main characters – one will be the male scientist, George who will be played by Hamish Williams, and the other will be the lonely girlfriend, Jess whom Emma Hart will play.  In the flash back clips, Jess will be represented as innocent and naïve because she keeps thinking he will turn up to meet her but he never comes.  Because of this, the audience will feel sorry for her and take her side.  In the real time clips, Jess will be dead and this will be portrayed by her dressed in all white clothing, which symbolises purity and innocence.  George is very dedicated to his job and therefore never sees his girlfriend, which leaves their relationship at breaking point. When he realises what he’s done wrong, it’s too late and he has already lost what he loved.  We chose Emma to play Jess because she fulfils the archetype of an innocent girl – she is pretty, white and feminine.  We chose Hamish because he is a musician and he, too, fulfils the archetype of a typical scientist.  Also, he looks a bit indie.

Emma:  The locations will include the BGS hall, Taplow train station, Charlotte’s shower and a bedroom in her house.  We chose Taplow station because there is no cover and we will get the right effect when it is raining.  Also, it is easy to get across to the other side of the platform, which we will need to do.  Finally, it is nearby so we can access it easily. We chose the bedroom in Charlotte’s house because it has a double bed and it has an en-suite where we can shoot the shower scene.  We will be using the hall in this school because we need a piano in an empty space and this environment is perfect for this shot.  Additionally, because it is in school, we will have minimal distance to travel.
Mica:  We will use a variety of different shots in our music video.  There is a scene where George is in his bed and this is shown using a high angle camera shot.  We used a high angle to demonstrate his vulnerability because he is being looked down upon, as though he is inferior. The camera shots as well as the mise-en-scene will allow the viewer to understand the difference between illusions, flash backs, and real time.  The illusions are distinguished by Jess having a completely white costume, which signifies her being an angel.  The flash backs will be displayed in black and white to show that they are distant memories that are fading away.  Real time will be shown in ambient lighting and Jess will not be present in any of these (she will only be in flash back or illusions). However, before we start editing we will consult our target audience and see whether they like it.

Josh:  We are targeting an audience who enjoy alternative/indie music because that is the genre, which ‘The Scientist’ falls into.  The audience is can be any age and either gender but they have to enjoy the song and want to watch the video.  The key codes and conventions of the alternative/indie genre, which we will need to use throughout the music video, are as follows:
  • A musical instrument that one of the characters will play (George playing the piano and his guitar)
  • Scenes in black and white (flashbacks)
  • Disorientation of time and space (flashbacks)
  • Close up of the artist (Close up shots of George and Jess)
  • Aspects of ambiguity (Jess appearing there but then being gone)

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